Elite Offers
Discover a world of offers with Equitas Elite Debit Cards
A whole world of amazing offers await you! Explore deals in shopping, travel, dining, stay and more!
Offer Details
Buy one get one tickets free upto Rs. 250 with Equitas Elite MasterCard/Elite VISA Signature card.
- Offer can be availed once per month only on movie tickets.
- Minimum two tickets to be booked to avail the offer.
- This is a limited quota offer which is available on first come first serve basis.
Airport Lounge Program
Offer Details
Enjoy the comforts of air travel even before you fly, with 2 complimentary access and use of facilities across select Airport Lounges in India, per financial quarter.
- Only 2 complimentary access per financial quarter can be utilised.
MasterCard Golf Program
Offer Details
- 4 complimentary rounds of green fees per calendar year (not more than 1 round in a single calendar month)
- 12 complimentary golf lessons per calendar year (1 lesson per calendar month)
- Discounted golf services at 50% of the green fee beyond complimentary session
- Kindly refer the below link
Card Offers
Offer Details
Access various merchant offers across different segments which can be availed with Equitas Elite MasterCard