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Overdraft Against Deposit - ODFD

Apply for an Overdraft Against Fixed Deposit (ODFD) online. Get an instant overdraft without breaking your Fixed Deposit, while also earning rewarding interests.


About ODFD

Need immediate funds for your business requirements but don't want to break your Fixed Deposit? We offer our Overdraft Against Fixed Deposit. Access quick funds while your FD continues to grow, ensuring you meet your financial needs without disrupting your savings.


    card logo

    No Maintenance Charges

    card logo

    Applicable for all entities



    Schedule of Charges for Current Accountsw.e.f 28th July 2021


    Average Monthly Balance (AMB)

    Average Monthly Balance


    *Available on request at select locations only. Taxes as applicable will be additional.



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    ©2024, Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd.